
Northview Elementary School Library Media Center

Ms. Dawn Carylon
Library Media Specialist
PH: 314-653-8000


Library Media Specialist Assistant

Northview Library Catalog
Capstone Interactive Library

A collection of audio e-books including picture books, chapter books, nonfiction, and graphic novels.

username: northview

password: school

Finding Books by Reading Level
Are you looking for books to match your child's reading level? Or would you like to know the level of a book? Check out Book Wizard to help you and your child find "just right" books!

Northview has over 200 books you can read online or on your device.

Username: ebooks

Password: student

Access online databases with your           Search online reference tools just for kids.
St. Louis County library card.
Beginning Readers
Fun phonics games and activities.
Scholastic Book Orders online activation code: GL7KV